Metropolitan Officials Association Logo
(631) 886-2612
Metropolitan Officials Association... Always A Good Call!

The Metropolitan Officials Association is a service organization that supplies corporate leagues and tournaments with Officals, Scorekeepers and Timers for numerous sports. In addition to this service, we conduct coaches and players rules clinics and assist in the construction of individual league rules. We play an integral part in the coordination of countless successful tournaments, award parties and special charity events.

Established in 1985, we are a team of experienced officials who pride ourselves on professionalism, punctuality and rules knowledge. Our numerous officials' training sessions and clinics guarantee that our officials stay up to date on the latest rule changes and officiating techniques.

The contuinued growth of the leagues we service is a testament to the high standards of performance we exhibit on the courts and fields of New York and the greater metropolitan area.



About Metropolitan Officials Association


Yorkville Sports Association

"Our 25 year partnership has proven to be a lucrative and positive relationship building the largest corporate softball league in NYC"